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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

10 more Nepali youths died in Russian army

Confirmation that 35 Nepalis have died in the war with Ukraine so far

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10 more Nepalis have died after joining the Russian army and falling into the war with Ukraine. According to the information received from the Nepali Embassy in Moscow, the number of Nepalis who lost their lives has reached 35 including 10 confirmed deaths.

10 more Nepali youths died in Russian army

According to the latest data, the deceased are Lal Bahadur Budha of Rupandehi, Phurwa Sherpa of Dolakha, Suraj Vick of Syangja, Netra Bahadur Gharti of Dhading, Shankar Damai of Gulmi, Sajan Gurung of Lamjung, Tej Bahadur Shahi of Dailekh, Shant Bahadur Bholan of Sindhuli, Raju Tharu and Ghanshyam Pariyar, whose district is not located.

Nepali youths who joined the Russian army and are ready to fight the war with Ukraine. Photo courtesy: Youths who joined the Russian army

are being treated after being injured in the war The embassy also said that there are 6 Nepalese. According to official data, the number of people returning to Nepal after the Russia-Ukraine war has reached 128. In the war that started after Russia attacked Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russia is illegally recruiting Nepalis under contract. Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had initially issued a press release to inform about the Nepalese who died in the Russia-Ukraine war, it has not released the list of all those who died recently. The embassy has not officially announced it. According to the information provided by the embassy sources, the names of 35 people have been confirmed.

"Urdi has been issued within the ministry in order not to speak publicly about the Russia-Ukraine issue and not to give information outside," the foreign source said. The embassy in Moscow has already informed the Ministry of Foreign Affairs about the deceased Nepali.

Even when the government is constantly trying to understand with the Russian government, no clear information has been received about the Nepalis who have joined the Russian army. "The Russian government has not informed Nepal about how many Nepalis are recruited in the Russian army, how many are injured and how many others have died," said a high official of foreign affairs.

Despite repeated requests and letters from the Nepalese government to the Russian government, the Russian Foreign Ministry has not yet responded to Nepal stating that the matter belongs to the Ministry of Defence.

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Narayankaji Shrestha raised the issue of the situation of Nepalis recruited in the Russian army during a sideline meeting with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Rudenko Andrei Yurevich at the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ADC) held in Iran's capital Tehran last week.

Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha to send the bodies of Nepalis who died in the war to Nepal, to provide compensation to the families of Nepalis who died in the war, to send back those who were injured and joined the Russian army, not to recruit Nepalis in the Russian army, to inform the Nepal government of the number of Nepalis who were recruited in the Russian army, Russian Requested to provide information about those who joined the army and were captured by the Ukrainian army. Shrestha informed that the issue of Nepalis was clearly discussed with the Russian side. "We have already informed about the issues that have been raised. In response, the Deputy Foreign Minister promised that Russia is a friendly country of Nepal and will provide necessary assistance to the Nepali people, he said.

The deputy foreign minister promised to send Ambassador Milan Tuladhar to his office after he returned to Moscow and provide necessary assistance, an official who participated in the meeting informed. Earlier, Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha had talked to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov over the telephone on February 24 and informed about the issue of the Nepali side. Shrestha repeated the matter before the Deputy Foreign Minister in Tehran.

After joining the Russian army, 6 Nepalis are now in the custody of the Ukrainian army. The captured Nepali are Vivek Khatri from Bardia, Siddharth Dhakal from Kavre, Vikas Rai from Morang, Pratik Pun from Rolpa, Sujan Subedi from Chitwan and Ishwar Lamichhane from Gorkha. Even though the Nepal government has tried to release them in cooperation with the Russian government, the initiative has not been successful so far. Also, during this month, President Ramchandra Paudel, during his visit to Geneva and Germany, requested the German President Frank Walter Steinmeier to help him to release six Nepalis who were captured by the Ukrainian army. The Nepali Embassy in Berlin is also asking the Ukrainian government to release the Nepalis.

Similarly, a high-level working group under the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is being formed to study the events and the future path in Russia. In a meeting held on May 11 under the leadership of Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha, a high-level task force was formed under the leadership of Ganesh Dhakal, head of the Europe-America Division under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to resolve the ongoing crisis in Russia.

According to foreign sources, Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha, another Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane, Labor and Employment Minister DP Aryal and Education Minister Sumana Shrestha participated in the meeting and formed a working group to study the Russian affairs and make suggestions. The task force is tasked with making recommendations on the ongoing activities related to Russian affairs and how to move forward.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ ०६:०७
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