कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

MP's demand for speeding up relief and rescue work


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In today's meeting of the House of Representatives, the MPs have demanded to speed up the monsoon risk reduction and relief and rescue work. They drew the attention of the government saying that people's lives have been affected by floods, landslides, lightning, inundation and other problems all over the country.

MP's demand for speeding up relief and rescue work

Speaking at the emergency meeting of the House of Representatives today, MP Ishwaridevi Neupane demanded from the government to reduce the risk and provide relief and compensation to the victims due to the increase in the number of natural disasters such as floods, landslides, inundation, and lightning when the monsoon has already started.

Member of Parliament Manveer Rai raised the issue in the parliament that various road sections of Solukhumbu were destroyed due to floods and landslides and the transport services were disrupted and some people's houses were damaged.

MP Amanlal Modi said that the problem of flooding has been created in the country and towards that drew the attention of the government. He demanded immediate rescue and relief measures.

Member of Parliament Amresh Kumar Singh said that due to the negligence of the Electricity Authority, the electric wires are hanging in some places and there is a risk of electrocution, so the attention of the relevant authorities should be taken towards it.

Member of Parliament Ramhari Khatiwada mentions the loss of property due to floods across the country He informed the House that people were killed due to floods and landslides in various places of Okhaldhunga and the injured were rescued by helicopter and are being treated in Kathmandu. Due to the disruption in essential services such as water supply, electricity and internet services, irrigation, he drew the attention of the government towards it.

MP Man Bahadur Gurung requested the government through the House to provide relief, compensation and easy healthcare facilities to the victims due to the loss of property due to floods and landslides in various places of Kaski.

MP Urmila Majhi informed the House that 6 people lost their lives due to monsoon disasters such as floods, landslides and lightning in different places of Lamjung.

MP Kiran Sah drew the attention of the government and subordinate agencies for disaster management. She requested the government to focus on risk reduction and preparedness work.

MP Abdul Khan informed that 20 people lost their lives and more than 16 people were injured due to the rains that occurred on Tuesday and Wednesday across the country and also demanded the government to carry out a detailed investigation on the increasing distortions in the education sector.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १२:४१
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