कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Congress itself sold 70 bigha land of Giribandhu T-State by taking commission: Oli


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President of ruling party UML KP Sharma Oli has alleged that the land of Giribandhu T-state was sold by the Congress on commission. Recently, while Oli was questioning the leadership of the UML regarding the decision to sell the land of T Estate, which was made when Oli was the Prime Minister, Oli blamed the Congress.

Congress itself sold 70 bigha land of Giribandhu T-State by taking commission: Oli

UMA addressed the meeting of the parliamentary party on Wednesday and mentioned that what the Congress is raising about Tistate is 'nonsense'. Bigha and 70 bigha of land divided into 19 bigha and the commission of the same Giribandhu Tea State was given to be sold. It should be investigated . Now we, the Nepali Congress, will not continue talking nonsense and we will not keep silent and listen.'

He instructed the parliamentarians to raise such matters by saying that they would also raise the issue about the miscreants of the Congress. We have to keep listening, keep shouting Congress ? What is Parliament? We will continue to listen, Congress will continue to shout ? This will not work' Oli said, 'Now we are not ready to listen to Congress nonsense. You have done what you need, right? In one case, the matter has been discussed . Talked about that context . There is a bite here, there is a bite, there is barking, there is barking . How is this? And the world knows .'

He said that the dignified time of the Parliament should not be played in the hands of the Congress. We are in favor of resuming . If there is a prosecution somewhere, go away from the place where the prosecution is conducted. And the Congress will prosecute? Will the Congress make the decision? Bringing the proven corrupt, we know the birth chart of many Congress people . That's all I'm saying' Oli said.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २, २०८१ १५:२८
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