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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५७

Prabhu Capital's Visit Merchant Bank


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On the occasion of World Finance Week 2024, Prabhu Capital Limited has organized Visit Merchant Bank programme.

Prabhu Capital's Visit Merchant Bank

World Financial Week is celebrated every year from March 22 to 28 in coordination with the OECD to raise awareness of the importance of financial education, especially among teenagers and young adults. As part of Global Money Week - 2024, Prabhu Capital has organized a visit merchant bank program for undergraduate students of Kathmandu College of Management in Gwarko. Durganand Jha, Chief Investment Officer of Prabhu Capital Limited, was the trainer in the program. In the program, it is said that the students gained knowledge about merchant bank operations, working style, capital market, investment and risk.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ८, २०८० ०७:१८
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