कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६६

Where are the kids missing now?


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In this way children do not have to be lost 
But where are the children missing?

Where are the kids missing now?

Children are–

Going to school wearing a karkala leaf umbrella,

making a paper boat and digging in the neck,

traveling the world in a paper rocket,

Enjoying playing chiplets on the muddy road/mud,

Building a magnificent stone castle/sand palace,

Dancing while listening to the song of the river,

drowning watching the June of the sky, Having fun chatting with


Sitting meditating listening to the song of the waterfall and the birds,

Gatta/ Lukidum/ Rumal-Lukai/ Dhyappa

Should be missing in Changa and Lattai.

Where are the kids missing now? Children not painted with

colors, Children who can't swim in


Not knowing the reflection of their own face,

Children who do not recognize the faces of others accurately,

To go to school holding sister's hand,

after returning from school

Children who have to eat on their parents' cheeks,

Grandmother's fairy tale/Kakhma

Grandpa's horseman/Up on shoulder

Kids who think they've conquered the world

Where are you missing now?

They are now in the danger zone


Children are missing

Sometime like a twist on the wheels

Children are missing

As water bubbles rising and bursting in the balance

Children are missing

As if the tail star disappeared in the sky

Children are missing

gadget by setting a timer and turning on the screen

Children are missing

where-where/where-where Children are missing as if

isn't missing

thus Sustari/Sustari/Sustari

Like children missing from home with silence

One day quietly/quietly/quietly

will be lost from country to country Tell the

, who is responsible for finding the country?

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ ०८:२७
जनताको राय

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