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Olangchungola in the new year

आनन्द गौतम

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If there is no future, Suresh Limbu, owner of Phungling Municipality-2 Mewakhola Hill Resort, is planning to reach Paktanglung Rural Municipality-7 Olangchungola on 30th of Chait. Saying goodbye to the previous year, they will welcome the new year 2081 from the land of Olangchungola.

Olangchungola in the new year

Chandra Budhathoki of Postal Line, Jal And David Dhakal, Head of Meteorology Department Field Office, Taplejung, Navraj Giri, Head of Post Office, and others.

Chhatrapati Pyakurel, the outgoing mayor of Fungling municipality, has also packed his bags to go to Olangchungola. He plans to take a picture while taking a trekking stick and wearing dark glasses to give a glimpse of the past. He is making a group of his miscreants to go with at least a dozen friends .

He has been living in this place for more than a decade while he was in the teaching profession and has made a plan to call his friends and say Happy New Year while standing next to Dikchyoling Gumwa . Gumwa is the heritage of the faith of the residents.

Aathrai Tribeni Rural Municipality President Dipen Pomu and other people's representatives are also preparing to kiss the first rays of the sun of the new year at Olangchungola. Having reached a new destination for the first time and thinking of celebrating the New Year, he is telling his circle of friends to go.. Hai.. Gola .

Many people like Chandra, Chhatra, Deepen make Olangchungola their New Year's destination because of the transport facilities. SBA Elite Company, which is repairing the road, has said that small vehicles (jeep, taxi) will reach the settlement of Olangchungola by the middle of March. Cheten Sherpa Lama, Ward President of Paktanglung Rural Municipality-7, says that since they have already reached the destination after walking for at most an hour, the planners are not in a situation where they cannot go because of the vehicle.

Olangchungola is 3100 meters high and has been heard by many but few people have reached it. There are only 56 houses inhabited by the Sherpa community. Most of the houses are made of stone and mud and have wooden roofs. As each house is spacious inside, one house can accommodate up to 20 guests . There are two guest houses. Ward president Lama claims that it will not be difficult to manage five hundred/thousand people. It is 63 kilometers away from the capital Fungling, and if you start your journey here in the morning, you can easily reach it in the evening.' 22 km from this settlement, which is approached by

road, there is Tiptala Bhajyang border crossing between Nepal and China. It takes one day to reach there. But since it is at a height of 5300 meters, the locals suggest that it would be useful to stay in Mouwatar for one day. From Olangchungola, Sinjema Lake, Samjo Lake are also at a close distance, which means you can spend the night in a shed by the lake and return to the settlement the next day .

Tiptala Bhanjyang is also a two-day destination from Basti. Rajeev Lamichhane, manager of SBA Elite Company, says that it will take a whole month for the vehicle to reach the border tiptala Bhanjyang.

In the border area, you can see the herds of Chauri, flocks of wildebeests, the beauty of the Himalayas and the source of the river Tamor. Since the capital Fungling goes along the banks of the Tamor River, the beauty of reaching the estuary is beautiful. Olangchungola itself is a popular choice for tourists as it is an old settlement that gave birth to famous people such as Sanduk Ruit, Tamla Ukyaw, and Tenjing Sherpa.

The desire of anyone to visit the 400-year-old Dikichyoling Gumva is told by a businessperson named Tathi Sherpa of Olangchungola. It is estimated by the locals that staying at a homestay and having local food will cost around 10,000 per person while reaching here and returning.

'Plain food is available for 300 rupees, we have not set the price of tea yet,' said the ward president Cheten, 'Tongwa sukutis are available in a plate for 150, 200 rupees like in the market.' ;

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २१, २०८० १६:१९
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