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A team of Nepali tourism professionals in Beijing

Nepali Ambassador to China Bishnupukar Shrestha discussed Nepal's natural beauty, cultural heritage and Nepali hospitality and suggested Chinese investors to visit Nepal.
लक्ष्मी लम्साल

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More than 5 dozen tourism-related professionals have gathered in China to promote Nepal's tourism. To promote the tourism industry and attract investors, they interacted with the Chinese tourism sector at the Nepali Embassy in Beijing on Tuesday.

A team of Nepali tourism professionals in Beijing

In the program, Nepali and Chinese tourism professionals have exchanged ideas about potential areas for tourism exchange.

Nepali Ambassador to China Bishnupukar Shrestha discussed Nepal's natural beauty, cultural heritage and Nepalese hospitality and suggested Chinese investors to visit Nepal. He said, 'Nepal is an attractive tourist destination. Chinese entrepreneurs have a good opportunity to move forward together with Nepal's tourism sector. In the

event, World Tourism Alliance Secretary General and Vice President Liu Sha Chun emphasized on continuous tourism exchange and cooperation. Likewise, Sun Kuichan, the general secretary and vice president of the China Association of Travel Services, spoke about the benefits of increasing business to business between tourism organizations.

Nites Sapkota, First Secretary at the Nepali Embassy, ​​highlighted the investment opportunities and potential in the tourism sector. He drew attention to the upcoming Third International Investment Conference and highlighted the potential of the tourism sector.

The representatives of Himalaya Airlines, Sachwan Airlines, Air China, Chang One, representative of China Association of Travel Services, and Liu Thingthing, representative of Chinese travel website Mafungwo, gave a presentation on Chinese tourism and tourists' perspective, according to a statement issued by the Nepalese Embassy.

The Nepali tourism businessmen who are visiting China have said that they plan to hold discussions and interactions with the Chinese tourism sector for cooperation and to promote Nepali tourism.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० १७:५८
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