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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

"I am fascinated by Mithila art"

I am most attracted by Nepali art that reflects religious traditions, diversity and life. I have some works of Mithila art, which I took during my visit to Madhesh. I like them very much: Karen Welch Acting Director, USAID-Nepal

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The American government has been supporting Nepal in various fields since 77 years ago. After the establishment of diplomatic relations between Nepal and America in 1947, America started helping Nepal. The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) was formally established by former US President John F. Kennedy only in 1961.

This means that the United States started supporting Nepal even before the establishment of USAID. Karen Welch is currently acting director of USAID in Nepal. Before coming to Nepal, she has performed various roles in USAID missions in different countries. Before that she was a Piscore volunteer, health teacher and school teacher. Welch, who has been working in Nepal for two years, has visited many places in Nepal. She has collected experience on various topics including Nepalese people, culture, festivals, weather. Jagdishwar Pandey of Kantipur's edited excerpt of a conversation with Welch, acting director of USAID-Nepal, who is responsible for working with the government of Nepal, Nepali businesses, civil society and other partners:

When did you come to Nepal for the first time and how did you find the geography here?

When I first came to Nepal (Kathmandu), I was struck by the beauty of the mountains that surround this city. I got my first glimpse of the Himalayas while en route to Dadeldhura on my first visit outside the Kathmandu Valley. The scene was magnificent. And this reminds me of the International Dialogue on Mountains, People and Climate hosted by Nepal last month. USAID is proud to partner with the Ministry of Forestry and Environment and others to support this initiative, as well as other work by the Ministry of Forestry and Environment aimed at protecting biodiversity and addressing air pollution.

You met with many people in Nepal during your work, how did you find the Nepalese people?

During my stay in Nepal, I have met people from all walks of life. Nepalis have deep respect for their culture and tradition. That's one thing that stands out to me.

How did you find Nepal's weather during the two years?

I am fascinated by the diversity of climate and weather in Nepal that I have experienced while visiting USAID projects across Nepal. As a mountainous country, Nepal is disproportionately affected by climate change. In my role at USAID, I have encouraged our projects to collaborate with communities and governments at all levels to help mitigate those impacts and build more resilient communities.

What is your favorite Nepali food and why?

I have already told you about Dadeldhura. I still remember the rice kheer I ate on that visit. It was smoky flavored and delicious.

What do you like about Nepal's behavior and why?

I love Namaste or Namaskar, the traditional greeting of Nepal.

Do you celebrate the festivals of Nepal? What is your favorite festival and why?

I love Kukur Tihar, the day when dogs are worshiped with tikas, flower garlands and special foods. The dogs I have met in my life have given me so much joy over the years. Dog festival is a very good way to show gratitude and respect.

Do you like to speak Nepali language? Do you know how many languages ​​there are in Nepal?

I can't speak Nepali. I can only speak a few words. Apart from the Nepali language, one of the things that make Nepal so culturally rich are the countless languages ​​spoken throughout the country. They have really made Nepal very prosperous and vibrant.

How knowledgeable are you about Nepali literature? Do you have any favorite Nepali literary works?

I liked 'The Soul of the Rhino' by Hemant Mishra. Her personal journey towards rhino conservation was inspiring. The book also reminded me of the great success USAID has achieved over the years in collaborating with many partners to improve habitat for endangered species and positively impact biodiversity.

Which places in Nepal have you visited? Which is your favorite destination and why?

I have had the good fortune to visit many places throughout Nepal. One of the notable destinations is Panchase in Gandaki state. Where I spent a few days trekking with my son and enjoying the natural beauty of Nepal.

As you know, Nepal is rich in art and culture. What is your opinion about art and culture of Nepal?

I am most drawn to Nepali art that reflects the rich diversity and vibrancy of religious traditions. I have some works of Mithila art, which I took during my visit to Madhesh. I like them very much.

How do you view the relationship between USAID and Nepal?

The American government has been supporting Nepal for more than 77 years. USAID was officially established by former US President John F. Kennedy only in 1961. We are proud of the progress we have made together. Practically eliminating malaria in the South Terai region, developing previously uninhabitable areas of Nepal for agriculture, increasing literacy rates, doubling life expectancy and significantly reducing child mortality, facilitating peace and democracy and providing vaccines, essential materials and technical assistance during the Covid epidemic. We have played our best role including providing. It is an honor to partner with Nepalis on matters of Nepali concern and to see our relationship yield remarkable results.

How many programs has USAID done in Nepal and what are the future new programs?

Rather than focusing on specific programs of the organization, I would like to highlight the partnerships and massive successes we have engaged in over the past 63 years to help the people of Nepal achieve their goals. I am also proud of the number of people we have helped through our programs. Over the past five years, in partnership with the Government of Nepal, USAID has helped more than 14 million people receive civic and voter education to support voter rights and open, fair, inclusive and credible elections. In 2023 alone, USAID reached more than 1 million women directly by providing health, education and economic growth opportunities, and an additional 5 million indirectly through mass media campaigns. In the agricultural sector, USAID works to improve productivity, competitiveness, and resilience by increasing access to fertilizers, seeds, irrigation, and mechanization. In 2023, farmers and small enterprises achieved an agricultural sales volume of around eight billion rupees due to our support. As Nepal seeks to meet its goals, USAID will continue to partner with its people, organizations, businesses and governments. A strong, prosperous and sovereign Nepal is in the interest of both our countries.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २६, २०८१ ०६:२१
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