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Sahana Pradhan Smriti U-19 Volleyball: Both teams from Gandaki region won


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In the first Sahana Pradhan Memorial men's and women's volleyball tournament, which has the highest prize in the U-19 category, both the teams of Gandaki won on the third day on Tuesday. In the competition being held at Rakhep Covered Hall in Tripureshwar, Gandaki defeated the Sudurpaschim Pradesh team by 3-1 in the women's side.

Sahana Pradhan Smriti U-19 Volleyball: Both teams from Gandaki region won

Apart from losing the first set 25-22, Gandaki won the match by winning the next set 25-14, 25-10, 25-16. Soning Thapa was the player of the match. The previous day, Gandaki was defeated in straight sets by Wagmati Pradesh.

Gandaki's men's team defeated Koshi Pradesh in straight sets. Gandaki won the match 25-19, 25-19, 25-18. Gandaki's Biswas Adhikari was adjudged player of the match.

Koshi has won the women's side for the second time in a row. Koshi won 25-11, 25-14, 25-12 against Madhesh Pradesh. Sonia Basnet of Koshi was the player of the match. On the previous day, Koshi defeated Karnali Pradesh in sets of 25-20, 25-19, 25-18.

On Wednesday, Wagmati Pradesh easily defeated Gandaki by 25-12, 25-9, 25-16. Salina Budha Magar of Wagmati became the player of the match in this match.

Sudurpaschim Province also got the second victory. Sudoor defeated Madhesh Pradesh in sets of 25-21, 27-25, 25-18, 25-13. In this match, Suresh Malla from Sudoor became the player of the match. The previous day, Sudurpaschim also defeated Karnali in a 3-1 set.

Sahana Pradhan Foundation is organizing the competition. This is the highest cash prize in U-18 volleyball. The competition is being broadcast live on Kantipur Max Television.

प्रकाशित : असार ११, २०८१ २०:०६
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