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Paraka Prakash's leap in badminton rankings


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Nepal's Para Badminton player Prakash Adhikari has made a jump in the BFW Para Badminton World Ranking.

Paraka Prakash's leap in badminton rankings

Prakash, who hails from Surkhet in Karnali province, has reached the 48th position in the world rankings released by the Badminton World Federation on Tuesday.

Earlier, Prakash was ranked 72nd. Prakash, who participated in the International Para Badminton Tournament held in Bahrain from May 21 to 26, reached the last 16. Uday Aryal, the international referee of badminton, informed that due to this, his ranking has improved.

Prakash also participated in the 4th Para Asian Games in Hangzhou, China last year. Where he competed in singles and doubles.

प्रकाशित : असार ११, २०८१ २१:५३
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