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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Aim for a confident Denmark


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Denmark will face Serbia on Tuesday in their final match of the league stage of this Euro. This team will be confident in itself. The reason is, the win will take the team to the knockout stage from Group 'C'. Serbia itself is enthusiastic, because the way the team pulled off a last-minute equalizer against Slovenia was incredible.

Aim for a confident Denmark

Denmark made the semi-finals in the Euro.

This time too, the team has performed well against England in a 1-1 draw. Denmark, led by Kasper Hijlmund, has been playing well in the series. Regarding the same match against England, he says, "The result of this tie is somewhat disappointing. But that's why we played this game, the way Denmark play. This is how we play. In our game, one side is restrained and the other side is a sharp attack.'

Denmark is second in this group with 2 points after this result. This is 2 points clear of leaders England. Slovenia is in third place. The team also has 2 points. Denmark defeating Serbia would be enough for the team to reach the knockout stage. But if Denmark lose this game and Slovenia is not defeated in the next game, it means out of the tournament. If both Denmark and Slovenia draw, the third place will be determined by goal difference and other facts.

For Serbia, if they want to do well in this match, the team will have to repeat the same performance as in the match against England. Especially in the second half against England, Serbia was the best

. Serbia also has a chance to qualify and for that the team needs to beat Denmark and Slovenia not to beat England in the other games. Serbian coach Dragner Stokovic says, "Our aim will be victory." For this we will play aggressive and attractive football.'

प्रकाशित : असार ११, २०८१ ०७:०७
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