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Erica and Santu excel at NOC Awards


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Karate's Erica Gurung and Table Tennis' Santu Shrestha have won the NOC Awards 2024 as the best players. Erica was named the best female athlete and Santu the best male athlete during the event organized on the occasion of Olympic Day in the capital on Sunday.

Erica and Santu excel at NOC Awards

Erica won a historic silver medal at the Asian Games in Hangzhou, China. Santu was directly selected for the Paris Olympics this year after winning the South Asian selection.

Kushal Shrestha of karate in men and Parvali Rai of kabaddi in women received the NOC award among the best coaches. Kushal Hangzhou was Erica's coach at the Asian Games. Parvathy was the coach when the women's kabaddi won the bronze medal at the Hangzhou Asian Games.

Taekwondo's Palesa Govardhan received the award for Para Athlete. She won a bronze medal at the 4th Para Asian Games in Hangzhou. She has also been selected for the Para Olympics in Paris.

Nepal Volleyball Association was declared the best association of the year 2024. "Presidential Recognition" was given to All Nepal Kabaddi Association, Nepal Karate Federation, Nepal Taekwondo Association and mountaineer and archery player Pasang Bhote.

Two Kantipur personnel awarded

Journalism Award: sports journalist Dhruv Tuladhar of Kantipur daily, Pradeep Lekhi of Kantipur Television along with Naveen Luitel in online media, Ujjwal Dangol in sports photojournalist were selected as the best. The award winning players, coaches and media persons each received 50,000 rupees. The profile judge panel consisting of 8 personalities from different fields under the coordination of Geeta Rana selected the best.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ ०६:३३
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प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले नेकपा एसको प्रतिवेदनमा माओवादीलाई 'अस्थिर' भनिएकोबारे महाधिवेशन उद्घाटन समारोहमै असन्तुष्टी व्यक्त गरेका छन् । माओवादीको कार्यशैली तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्छ ?
