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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११२

Nine women players selected for national chess


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9 female players have been selected for the national tournament from the final qualifying match of the seven stages of the 9th Women's National 'B' Chess Championship. Two players are selected as alternates.

Nine women players selected for national chess

The players selected from the selection competition held in Bhaktapur in the co-organization of Bhaktapur District Intelligence Association under the organization of Nepal Intellectual Federation will be allowed to play in the 24th National Intellectual Tournament to be held from May 19.

After the seventh stage of the match sponsored by Surya Vinayak municipality, Koshi province champion Kritisara Adhikari became the first with 6 points. Former Nepal champion Sindira Joshi was selected by collecting 5.5 points, Riya Shrestha from Kathmandu and Pooja Bhandari from Pokhara got 4.5 points. Through the

classical 90-minute game, Vinita Kapali of Kathmandu, Anshudil Prajapati of Bhaktapur, Poonam Prasai of Jhapa, Sreesha Duwal of Bhaktapur and Savina were selected by collecting 4 points each. Bhaktapur's Prashana Kibanayo and Rupandehi's Naman Sedhai were among the alternate players with 3.5 points.

At the end of the eighth round of open selection, the young player Purushottam Silwal is ahead with 6.5 points. Kavre's candidate master Milan Lama and Arena International master Sushrut Dahal are second with 6 points.

Premkrishna Maharjan, CM Keshav Shrestha, Sushil Chaudhary, Prakashchandra Nepal, CM Purushottam Chaulagain, Loksagar Sambha, Rishon Thapa, Rajeev Karki and Suroj Maharjan are in the third place with 5.5 points, who are in the race to qualify for the national championship. According to

coordinator and international referee Niranjan Prajapati, the Swiss League 9 round match will be held on Thursday morning.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ २१:१८
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