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Bronze medals to Ukesh and Tarzan


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Nepali Taekwondo players have won two medals at the 20th Wata Open International Taekwondo Championship in Japan.

Bronze medals to Ukesh and Tarzan

On Saturday, Tarzan Magar and Ukesh Thapa Magar won bronze medals in men's under 30 kg category. Tarzan scored 6.60 and Ukesh scored 6.63.

Bir Bahadur Mahara, the 13th Sag gold medalist, will compete under 74 kg in the competition in which 24 countries are participating. Neeraj Deuba, Chandra Bahadur Rana Magar, Dhan Bahadur Tamang, Sani Rana Magar and other players are also competing on Sunday. Coach Bhajindra Bahadur Chhetri has claimed that Nepali players will win gold on Sunday.

was held in Osaka with the support of All Japan Taekwondo Association and Osaka Taekwondo Association.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १५, २०८१ २०:३२
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