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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Far West Cabinet expansion, 8 ministers added including 5 non-departmental ones

अर्जुन शाह

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The Chief Minister of the Far West of Bhagbanda has expanded the Council of Ministers by appointing 8 ministers including 5 non-departmental ministers.

Far West Cabinet expansion, 8 ministers added including 5 non-departmental ones

According to Chief Minister Sodari's Chief Private Secretary Gilg Joshi, eight more ministers have been appointed including three from the UML, three from the Maoist Center, one from the United Socialist Party and one independent MP.

UML's Surendra Bahadur Pal has been appointed as Minister for Economic Affairs, Maoist Center's Om Bikram Bhat for Social Development and Independent MP Tara Prasad Joshi as Minister for Industry, Tourism, Forestry and Environment.

UML's Bir Bahadur Thapa and Hira Sarki, Maoist Center's Akkal Bahadur Rawal and Lakshmi Bik, United Samajwadi Party's Maya Pant have been appointed as non-departmental ministers. With this, the Sudurpaschim Province Council of Ministers has become 11 members including the Chief Minister. Before this, there are two ministers of Civil Liberation Party. The office of the provincial head has informed that there will be a program of swearing in of the newly appointed ministers on Monday. Physical Infrastructure Development Minister Kailash Chaudhary and Land Management, Agriculture and Cooperative Minister Tika Thapa are already ministers.

Since then, the Maoist center has been in a frenzy over the issue of ministerial recommendation . Five MPs have drawn the attention of the Chief Minister Sodari not to appoint a minister immediately as he recommended the minister without consulting within the parliamentary party.

Parliamentarians Khagraj Bhatt, Jhapt Saund, Shivsingh Oli, Ramesh Dhami and Janaki Kunwar Paudel jointly drew attention. Maoists have 11 MPs including the Speaker.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २८, २०८१ १६:३८
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