कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८१

Man Bahadur, who went to India to find work, was robbed on the way

भवानी भट्ट

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There are many incidents of being robbed on the way back after working in India. They have been robbed of the wealth they earned by working and are stranded. This time, a Nepali was robbed while going to India for employment.

Man Bahadur, who went to India to find work, was robbed on the way

Man Bahadur Budha of Virendra Nagar Municipality-3 of Surkhet was robbed near the border area on his way to India.

On his way to Rishikesh in Uttarakhand, India, he was robbed on Tuesday after being fed drugs in a bindi in the border area. According to him, everything from fare to Rishikesh in India, clothes, citizenship and bank checks were stolen.

'Bindi was given to drink, then he fainted, pocket money and bag of clothes were taken,' the old man said, 'Citizenship, company identity card, bank documents were not left behind.'The 59-year-old man has been working as a watchman in a car parts company in Rishikesh for 26 years used to work He came home on leave only 20 days ago.

On Tuesday afternoon, the old man who was found unconscious was taken to the Mahakali Regional Hospital by the police. He regained consciousness after treatment and walked home. The civil assistance cell established in Gaddachouki by the government of Sudurpaschim province sent him home by paying the expenses to reach home.

After his citizenship and identity card were robbed, he returned home to get citizenship. Dansingh Bohora, an employee of the civil assistance room, said that the family also asked to be sent home. He said that he has asked security personnel from both sides to search for the robbers.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ २०:३२
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