कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४२

SEE : Nandanagar Gurukulam 100% Result, 12 A Grade

मनोज पौडेल

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Manakamana Sanskrit Vidyapeeth Gurukulam located in Banganga Municipality-2 Nandnagar has achieved hundred percent result in SEE.

SEE : Nandanagar Gurukulam 100% Result, 12 A Grade

Gurukulam teacher Yuvraj Belwase said that out of 19 students participating in SEE, 12 got 'A' grade and 7 got 'B plus'. The Gurukulam has achieved 100% results for the third year in a row.

6 people passed SEE in 2079 and 7 in 078. Here in Class 10, Nepali, Mathematics and English are taught along with Sanskrit Grammar, Sanskrit Language and Rituals. Principal Krishna Prasad Pokharel said that students from Dhading, Kailali, Paschim Nawalparasi, Palpa, Arghakhanchi, Rupandehi and Kapilvastu are studying here.

Prof. Pokharel said that 19 people who have passed SEE will study in class 11. "This shows that students are equally attracted to rituals and Gurukul education," he said, "They come from all over Nepal to study where we are." As the pressure increases, admissions are being conducted through examination. Astrology is taught in class 11 and 12. Things like palmistry, china making and astrology grammar are taught from class 4 onwards. Ganesh Belwase of Arghakhanchi said that he came to enroll in class 11 with the idea of ​​studying gurukul education.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १६:१५
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