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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Guard traffic from the tower

महेश केसी

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The traffic police office, which is in charge of vehicle safety across the district, is providing service from Tehra. As the office does not have its own building, the traffic police are serving from a temporary tin tower on the hill near Kamal Dah, Sisne Rural Municipality-5.

Guard traffic from the tower

Two years ago, there was a traffic office in a rented house near the district police office, but now it is serving from the tower, said Assistant Police Inspector Madhu Shrestha. "There is a kitchen, an office and a residence in this building which barely has two rooms," he said Inspector Hari Bhattarai, information officer of the district police office, said that the office has been kept in a temporary building. This land is currently the land of a person's land. But after Sisne rural municipality assured that it will be governmentized and it will be done under the name of traffic office, an office has been built in Tahara . This effort has not been successful," he said, "How can we serve like this after two years have passed? Therefore, it is necessary to find a suitable alternative.

It is very hot in summer and very cold in winter while living on the terrace, said traffic police assistant constable Dinesh KC. He He added, 'When the wind comes, the roof is blown away.'

Chief Shrestha informed that currently 13 employees are working in the District Traffic Office, which has a post of 10 people under the leadership of Assistant Inspector of Police . There are 8 of us here. We are sitting in a coach in Tahara,' he said, 'Tantlapur gets scorched by the sun during the day in summer, and at night when many people have to sleep in one place, it becomes suffocating.' "It is not possible to provide services in this way." We are serious about having a traffic office at a suitable place even if we pay the rent,' he said.

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १२:३०
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