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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८१

Two people drowned in Tinau River within a week

माधव अर्याल

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In one week, two people died after drowning in the Tinau river. A teenager drowned in the Tinau river while swimming and four days ago a young man who came to visit from Gorakhpur in India drowned in the Tinau river.

Two people drowned in Tinau River within a week

District Police Office Palpa has informed that 17-year-old Rajeev Lama of Hill Park, Butwal sub-metropolitan city-7 of Rupandehi died while swimming in Tinau river near Tinau rural municipality-3, Palpa. Information Officer of District Police Office Palpa, Sugandh Shrestha, said that four friends went swimming in the river and Rajiv drowned.

Among the four who were swimming, Rajeev went missing. The police were informed after he disappeared in the river and his body was found after searching for about three hours. He gave this year's SEE. Rajeev, who lives in Kathmandu, was staying at his maternal uncle's house in Butwal. Three others were rescued safely. The police said that further investigation is being conducted in relation to the incident.

Onkarnath Singh, a 34-year-old youth living in Gorakhpur, India, drowned in the Tinau River last Sunday. Gorakhnath Temple Singh, who lives in Gorakhpur, went to the Tinau river with three friends. The police said that the water was murky and he slipped and fell while taking photos. Singh was an employee of the railway station.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ ०७:३१
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