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२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २९४

6 people involved in kidnapping arrested

मनोज पौडेल

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Police have arrested six kidnappers who abducted 37-year-old Vinit Mishra of Kapilvastu Municipality-4 Malparwa. Mishra was abducted from Bahadurganj Chowk in Taulihwa around 11 am on Wednesday.

6 people involved in kidnapping arrested

Sagar Kubar, 38, resident of Baglung Galkot Municipality-1, Kathmandu, Rupandehi, Butwal Sub-Metropolitan-7, Sagar Gurung, resident of Shivnagar and Butwal Sub-Metropolitan-13, Om Baral, 33, resident of Belwas, have been accused of abducting him.

Similarly, Wanganga Municipality-3 of Kapilvastu, 43-year-old Shanti Lamsal living in Karmana, Arghakhanchi Sandhikhark Municipality-2, 32-year-old Prakash Nepali and Rupandehi Tilottma Municipality-9, 34-year-old Tulsi Ban have also been made public.

Mishra was caught from the road, his two hands were tied and he was forcibly placed in a small car of black color and headed to Butwal. Mishra was held hostage in room number two of Gulmeli Greentown Hotel operated by Prakash Samat (Ruchal) located in Butwal sub-metropolitan city 11, Maina Bagar, and the police came to the situation where he was being beaten.

A team led by Superintendent Navaratna Poudel from Kapilvastu reached Butwal and raided the hotel and arrested them. The police office was made a base at Pipra in the area and police were mobilized all around.

After the abducted Mishra called his friend and asked for money, the police approached him while tracing the phone. 6 people were given 5 days extension by the court The investigation has been carried out.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १३, २०८१ १९:२६
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