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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७९

A young man who was returning to his village from Kathmandu was found dead

काशीराम डाँगी

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A youth was found dead in Rolpa. The police said that the body of the youth was found drowned in the Dhangsi river near the headquarters Libang on Sunday.

On Sunday morning, after the news that a dead body had been found in the river, a police team of 7 people led by police inspector Deviram Bhandari from the district police office found the dead body in the middle of the river under the Libang-Dhangsi road section.

After the body was found, Pahari said that the body belonged to 29-year-old Manish Pun of Rolpa Municipality-10 Dhabang. The police said that the youth had come from Kathmandu to Libang the previous day and then may have fallen from Ripavir while reaching home. Deputy Superintendent of Police Shyam Saru Magar said that more investigation is being done on the

incident. The incident site is 3 km north of Libang.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन २०, २०८० १७:४२
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