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Fire in madi of Rolpa: 1 person died

काशीराम डाँगी

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In Rolpa's Madi rural municipality-5 Bhawang, an old woman died due to fire in a house. The police said that 75-year-old Harikala Gharti died in the fire.

On Tuesday at 4:45 pm, a fire broke out in an old lady's house at Kacharikot in Bhawang. Police said he was alone when his 2-storey house made of mud, stone and tin caught fire. Mylo was staying at home with his son, but at that time, mylo son went out to work, police investigation revealed. His other three sons live elsewhere. An old lady living on the upper floor died from the fire that started from the lower floor of the house.

There were no animals in the house and the fire was immediately controlled by the police and locals. The old man's body was damaged by fire. After getting information about the incident, Madi rural municipality area The Police Office was assigned for police investigation under the leadership of Police Inspector Krishna Soni from the Ghartigaon post. The information officer of the district police office, police inspector Ram Narayan Gupta said. Police from Bhawang police station along with locals were deployed to control the fire.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १६, २०८० ०८:०७
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