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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The four-lane road on Tuesday is blocked due to tree cutting

Confusion as to which body will cut the trees in the middle of the road and on the banks
दीपेन्द्र बडुवाल

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Due to the lack of cutting of trees in the middle of the road, the four-lane road at Marchawar in Ruppandehi has become blocked. The Vangai-Semra-Khairaghat section under the Belbas-Bethari-Marchwar road is stuck because it is not clear which agency will cut the trees in the middle and on the side of the road.

The four-lane road on Tuesday is blocked due to tree cutting

It has been a long time since the Lumbini-Arghakhanchi-Babul JV, which took the contract for the construction of this section, started preparing to blacken the road from Gurwaniyan to Maryadpur on March . The base of the road has also been prepared for black paper. The work could not be done due to the trees in the middle of the road.

A four-lane road is being constructed to connect Marchwar, which has been lagging behind for years due to the lack of a standard road, with the rest of the cities in the district. A four-lane road is being constructed on the right and left side of the canal from Belbas to the south border of Marchawar's Khairaghat under the East-West Highway.

Construction from Belbas to Bethri has been completed and has been put into operation . Due to lack of tree felling, the construction of black sheeting has been affected five kilometers south of Gurwaniyan on the Bhairahawa-Lumbini road section. The Road Infrastructure Development Office Rupandehi had signed a contract with the company on October 16, 2077 for 23 million 12 lakh 89 thousand rupees. According to the contract, its construction should have been completed by 31 Baisakh 2080 .

After the construction was not completed during that period, the road division office extended the deadline by one year . Construction businessman Tawfiq Ahmed said that the work was affected because 117 trees in the road area were not cut during this period as well. He said that the government agencies are tired of cutting trees to complete the construction in the extended period.

According to Tawfiq, there have been half a dozen meetings with stakeholders for tree cutting. He said that it has run from the local community forest, irrigation division office to the ministry and department. "We reached the ministry and department and told them about the problem three/four times," he said. He said . According to the construction company, 75 percent of the road under the province has been completed so far. The construction company said that 58 percent of the payment has been received so far. Construction businessman Tawfiq said that there is a lack of budget for additional construction. "We had to build a pitch with trees," said Tawfiq, "this weather is suitable for pitch construction, but we couldn't do it." He said that since the North Chure area will be connected with the Indian border, there will be a change in the living standards of the residents of March after the construction of the road.

According to him, the work of the first section from Onegai to Maryadpur is now underway. After this, there is a plan to construct four lanes from Maryadpur to Khairaghat. As the road is incomplete, the locals are suffering. Car accidents have increased due to trees in the middle of the road.

"When it rains, it gets muddy, when it's sunny, it's dusty," he said, "it takes half an hour to travel on the road that takes 10 minutes." "Those who have houses and shops on the roadside are more worried," he said, "Dust gets into the kitchen, cars hit the trees and fall into the canal." "Even when the road was blocked on March, the people's representatives did not pay attention," he said, "trees should have been managed before the road contract was awarded." He accused that the provincial and federal parliamentarians elected from this area did not draw attention to this problem. The Division Forest Office said that it could not be cut down as the ownership of the tree is not under its control. According to the office, these trees are under the jurisdiction of the canal under the Tuesday lift irrigation scheme.

So the ownership of the tree is under the Irrigation Department . Forest Officer Deepak KC said that as soon as the Irrigation Department writes that the tree will be cut, it can be removed.

According to Damodar Sapkota, Head of Water Resources and Irrigation Development Division, the land on which the road is being constructed was purchased by Lift Irrigation Project on Tuesday after paying compensation. The ownership of the said land is under the association.

A letter was written to the Irrigation Department on 28th Chait 28, 2079 after the problem of tree felling. Sapkota said that after receiving no information from the department, the office sent a letter to the Ministry of Physical Infrastructure in Lumbini Province on January 24 and informed about the problem. He said that he got the information that the Ministry of

had written to the department on January 29. "The ministry may increase the necessary process for tree cutting permission in the department," he said, "We are also waiting for a decision as the ownership of the tree is with the department."

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १५, २०८० १८:५८
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