कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६५

Sunkosi Village Assembly still in confusion

अनिश तिवारी

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Due to internal disputes and dissatisfaction, the fourth village assembly of Sunkosi Rural Municipality of the district has not yet been held. Vice President Kanchi Lama said that the village assembly scheduled for June 10 is still uncertain.

Sunkosi Village Assembly still in confusion

Earlier, a village meeting of Sunkosi Gapa was held on June 10. In which 31 executive members, including the vice president, were absent, alleging that the presented policies and programs and the budget were done in a one-sided manner. Although the village assembly was held, the village assembly could not be completed as the majority of executive members did not come.

Sunkosi Gapa has issued a notice on the same day saying that the 4th village assembly session was postponed due to lack of quorum and moved to June 26. Vice President Lama said that all the people's representatives, including herself, did not know about this. "I found out from the Facebook wall that the village meeting has been moved on June 26, the GAP president is doing his solo work, he is being manipulated by some party," said the vice president Lama.

President of Sunkosi Rural Municipality Tapindra Prasad Timilsina is currently in China. The Vice President Lama said that the President gave him an acting role and went to China for private work.

3 cities and 8 rural municipalities of the district have brought policies and programs and budgets on time. According to the provisions of the Local Government Operation Act, 2074 and the Inter-Governmental Finance Management Act, 074, the municipality has to present the policies and programs of the financial year by the 10th of June every year.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १७:४९
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