कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

6 people who were arrested with marijuana are in custody for preliminary investigation

प्रताप विष्ट

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Makwanpur District Court has ordered that 6 people who were arrested with marijuana be sent to prison for preliminary investigation. The court has ordered one person to be released on bail of 20,000.

6 people who were arrested with marijuana are in custody for preliminary investigation

District Judge Poornima Koirala's bench on Tuesday arrested 19-year-old Tikaram Chepang of Raksirang-7, 28-year-old Vamahadur Chepang of Kailash Rural Municipality-4, 27-year-old Harikumar Chepang, 27-year-old Veerman Chepang, 44-year-old Ramhari Luintel of Manhari Rural Municipality-4 and Manhari Rural Municipality-4 who were arrested with marijuana. - 36-year-old Deepak Thapa Magar of 5 has been ordered to be detained. Raksirang rural municipality—3 ka Mangalsingh Chepang, also known as Suresh, has been ordered by the court to release him on a bond of 20,000. done Yes.

On the night of last Baisakh 4th, when he was carrying marijuana to India The staff of Parsa National Park and the Nepalese army stationed in the park killed 130 7 people were arrested with KG ganja. Police recovered only food and water from Mangalsingh.

प्रकाशित : असार ११, २०८१ १८:४२
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प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले नेकपा एसको प्रतिवेदनमा माओवादीलाई 'अस्थिर' भनिएकोबारे महाधिवेशन उद्घाटन समारोहमै असन्तुष्टी व्यक्त गरेका छन् । माओवादीको कार्यशैली तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्छ ?
