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Senior citizens honored by Kavre Police

ज्योती श्रेष्ठ

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District Police Office Kavrepalanchok honored 29 senior citizens. On the eve of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Kavre police on Friday organized an awareness program about the abuse of senior citizens in the district, as well as honoring the senior citizens in the district.

Senior citizens honored by Kavre Police

Police Superintendent Bashundhara Khadka of District Police Office Kavre informed about how senior citizens are mistreated, what to do in case of mistreatment, how to file a complaint etc. She also expressed her commitment that the police will always support and assist senior citizens. District Police Office Kavre has informed that 29 senior citizens in the district were honored with tika and food in the


World Bullying Awareness Day is celebrated on June 15 every year.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ३२, २०८१ २१:३२
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