कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Parsa police seized 712 sacks of urea fertilizer


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Parsa police have seized 712 sacks of urea fertilizer worth 1 million illegally imported from India.  Seven hundred and 12 sacks of manure weighing 50 kg were illegally smuggled to Birgunj and kept in unauthorized storage.

District Police Office Parsa Deputy Superintendent of Police Deepak Bharti said that the manure was recovered during the raid based on the information that the manure was being illegally imported and stored by evading customs from India.

The police arrested 62-year-old Gyan Bahadur Mahato, resident of Nawalparasi Kawasoti Municipality-9, for being involved in the illegal importation and storage of manure and proceeded with the necessary legal process. Police said that the seized fertilizer was also handed over to the customs office in Birganj on Friday. The police found that urea fertilizer was stored illegally in the rented house .

Three arrested with elephant tusks

Parsa police arrested three people with elephant tusks. Parsa police arrested three people with two elephant tusks weighing 21/21 kg in Gorakhpur tol of Thori rural municipality-4 of Parsa on Friday.

Deputy Superintendent of Police District Police Office Parsa Bharti said that the three people who were arrested with the elephant tusks have been coordinated with the District Division Forest Office and further investigation and action process has been initiated.

'The accused was arrested while digging a hole in the field of Chandra Pariyar of Thori rural municipality-4 and looking for customers for sale and distribution of two 21/21 kg daras,' he said. Those arrested are Kui Tenang Lama of Vijayabasti Gumbaline-4, Thori Rural Municipality-4 of Parsa, Prem Sharma of Birgunj Metropolitan Municipality-1 and Amirilal Mahato of Mahanagar-21.

प्रकाशित : असार ८, २०८१ १२:३९
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