कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८१

Bishnupur rural municipality chairman was acquitted

अवधेशकुमार झा

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A special court acquitted Umesh Yadav, president of Saptari's Bishnupur Rural Municipality, in a case related to corruption.

Bishnupur rural municipality chairman was acquitted

Yagyaraj Regmi, information officer of the special court, informed that the bench of special court chairman Teknarayan Kunwar and two members Tejnarayan Singh Rai and Muraribabu Shrestha decided to acquit accountant Teknarayan Yadav and computer operator Birendra Yadav along with rural village president Yadav in the corruption case.

Accountant Tuk Narayan and computer operator Birendra were arrested near Gajendra Chowk in Rajviraj on 31st July for taking 2 lakh cash and 3 lakh check in the name of scheme payment. The charge sheet was filed on the 19th.

At that time, when he went to give a statement to the authority, the chairman Yadav was also detained by the authority. The special court has decided to acquit the three people including the municipal chairman Yadav who were released on bail after the debate in the special court.

Umesh Yadav, who has been suspended from the post of municipal chairman since the date of filing the charge sheet, will return to the position of municipal chairman after the special court has decided to acquit him. Umesh has become the second municipality head of the district to return to his post after being acquitted by the authority. Before this, Atesh Kumar Singh, the mayor of Bodevarsain municipality, has also started working as the mayor after being acquitted by the special court.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २३, २०८० १७:४५
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