कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३१.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२७

Exams of 60 SEE examinees of Saptari who violated dignity were cancelled, center president and inspector were removed from responsibility

अवधेशकुमार झा

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On Thursday, the examination of 60 students was canceled in Saptari district on the charge of violating the dignity of SEE examination. Vijayakumar Mandal, Head of Education Coordination Unit, informed that the examination of 60 students who were active in the process of sending out question papers from mobile phones in the examination center and getting answers from outside through mobile phones, was cancelled.

Exams of 60 SEE examinees of Saptari who violated dignity were cancelled, center president and inspector were removed from responsibility

According to the board, the examination of 60 candidates, 47 from the exam center at Pakri, 9 from the Word Vision exam center in Rajviraj, two each from Bhardah exam center and KMB exam center in Rajviraj, has been cancelled. Thursday was the exam of optional first subject .

The examination inspector and the head of the center have only been removed from their responsibilities without taking any action. Chief District Officer Kiran Thapa informed that all the inspectors including the head of Pakri examination center have been removed from their responsibilities.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २२, २०८० १९:०५
जनताको राय

माथिल्लो अरुण जलविद्युत् आयोजना निर्माणका लागि विश्व बैंकसँग सैद्धान्तिक सहमति जुटेपनि अहिले भारतले नै निर्माणका लागि चासो देखाएको छ । यसबारे तपाईंको के राय छ ?