कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
३०.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९०

The employees made a pen down demanding action against the MPs who were involved

The infrastructure development office is closed for seven days
अवधेशकुमार झा

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The employees have protested saying that the MP assaulted Praveen Pratap Adhikari, the head of Infrastructure Development Office Rajviraj, in the office.

The employees made a pen down demanding action against the MPs who were involved

Madhesh Pradesh Parliamentary Party Leader of Janmat Party and The employees of that office have gone on an indefinite pen down since Sunday, demanding action against the outgoing education minister of the province, Mahesh Prasad Yadav.

It is mentioned in the statement issued by the Infrastructure Office on Monday that it has decided to stop all the work of the office and to protest by tying a black belt until action is taken against MP Yadav. Yadav, the leader of the Janmat Party's parliamentary party, assaulted the chief officer of the Infrastructure Development Office in his office on Sunday afternoon during a dispute regarding the letters of two schemes. The employees of the infrastructure office said that the safety of the employees' livelihood is not guaranteed and they also requested to arrange a safe environment for all the employees including the head of the office.

It has been decided to keep the CCTV footage as evidence of the incident of hand-to-hand incident on Sunday and write a letter to the district administration office Saptari for taking action against the guilty.

Provincial Assembly member Mahesh Prasad Yadav said that he went to understand that the chief office officer was selling the scheme letters by taking money and he said that it was just a normal push and pull.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १९, २०८० १३:४२
जनताको राय

माथिल्लो अरुण जलविद्युत् आयोजना निर्माणका लागि विश्व बैंकसँग सैद्धान्तिक सहमति जुटेपनि अहिले भारतले नै निर्माणका लागि चासो देखाएको छ । यसबारे तपाईंको के राय छ ?