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DDC did not give the price of milk, in Kisan Marka


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Hundreds of dairy farmers of Dhankuta and Tehrathum have been affected due to non-payment of milk by the Dairy Development Corporation (DDC) for the past seven months. DDC has yet to pay more than 13 million rupees for the milk collected from 1,100 farmers here since last August.

DDC did not give the price of milk, in Kisan Marka

Due to the carelessness of DDC, the farmers are complaining that they are facing problems in their daily living. DDC has been collecting more than 3,000 liters of milk daily through DDC's collection center in Hile Bazar and Sagarmatha Dairy Cooperative located in Sidhuwa of Chhathar Jorpati Rural Municipality. According to Rom Bajimpak, the Secretary of Milk Producers District Cooperative Society, under which, 10 crores have to be paid to the farmers through the collection center of DDC at Hille and 30 crores from the collection center at Chitre, border area of ​​Dhankuta and Tehrathum.

He said that since the middle of July until now, the farmers have been harassed due to non-payment of milk. He says that millions of rupees loans taken by farmers from banks for cow rearing are sinking.

'The responsible body DDC has done more by not paying the farmers', he said, 'It has become a difficult situation to pay the bank loan and support the family.' Murtidhunga, Marekkatare, Parevadin and Phulek, Dongpa, Basantpur, Angdim, Sukrabare of the district. , Manglung etc. farmers have been more affected by this .

Farmers were attracted towards milk production for almost a decade and a half after DDC purchased milk. They have been rearing advanced breed cows with an investment of 10 to 50 lakh rupees. Farmer Prem Bahadur Darlami said that most of them are doing business by taking loans from banks. Bhim Mahatara, a farmer of Mahalakshmi 9, complained that he has to live a healthy life due to DDC.

On the other hand, Biratnagar Source, a dairy development organization, has claimed that it is difficult to pay because the dairy products are not sold and are stored in the godown. Prameshwar Chaudhary, the head of the organization, said that it was difficult to pay because the milk produced was not sold. He said, 'Milk has been collected more, but it has become difficult to pay after the produced dishes are not sold.'

Veterinary Hospital and Animal Services Expert Center Dhankuta According to sources, there are 125 cow farms in the district. Similarly, 84 milk collection centers are running. 44 thousand 98 liters of milk is produced daily. Out of which 32,100 liters go to the market for sale. Pushparaj Dahal, the officer of the center informed that the daily turnover of 1 crore 76 lakh 5 thousand 500 rupees is done from milk.

Farmers have also announced a protest saying that they have not been paid for milk for months. They have called for a phased movement with various demands.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन १३, २०८० १९:४२
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