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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८१

Nepali language in crisis

पाठक पत्र

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An article by linguist Vasant Thapa published in this Saturday's Koseli was read. He has inappropriately raised the issue about the declining condition of our Nepali language. Nepali language is in extreme crisis now. Parents, teachers, journalists are all busy teaching their children other languages, not their own.

Some schools have made a rule that if you speak in Nepali language, you have to pay a fine. Parents are happy if he speaks English at home. Many words of Nepali language are disappearing due to excessive English infatuation and misunderstanding.

It has become common to lose a mother and become a mummy, and become a daddy after losing a father. Words like book, exam, pen, school, meat shop, charpi have changed to book, exam, school, fresh house, toilet. Many original words are lost to the next generation. There is a proverb that says, "The old man dies and the language moves." But this is not just a language shift, it is a dead state.

Let's start language conservation and enrichment campaign soon. There are many countries in the world who are regretting the loss of their original language and identity. May we not suffer the same fate. The understanding that making our original words like mom, dad, dada, uncle, aunty, baby, like mother, father, brother, uncle, aunty, nani, etc. means prosperity is wrong in every way.
– Krishna Kumpure, Adamtar, Dhading

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ४, २०८१ ०७:३७
जनताको राय

कांग्रेसले 'वेल' घेरेर नाराबाजी गरिरहेका बेला प्रधानमन्त्रीले प्रतिनिधिसभामा विश्वासको मत लिएको घटनालाई कसरी लिनु भएको छ ?