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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५३

About 32 quintals of gold smuggled in break shoes and electronic goods, more than 1 billion online payments


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Additional facts have been found during the investigation of the 60 kg gold smuggling case. The Central Investigation Bureau (CIB) of the police has arrested 20 more people in this case. Among those arrested are 4 Indians and 2 Chinese nationals.

About 32 quintals of gold smuggled in break shoes and electronic goods, more than 1 billion online payments

CIB Chief AIG Shyam Gyawali held a press conference on Monday and disclosed more facts in this case. On July 2, 2080, the police recovered 60 kg of gold from Tribhuvan International Airport while bringing it in various items including break shoes.

According to CIB's investigation, it has been revealed that the group involved in this smuggling has smuggled 3194 kg of gold. In which only 362 kg 778 grams of gold has been smuggled hidden in the breakwater. Similarly, CIB concluded that 2,831 kg, 890 grams of various electronic goods were smuggled. This gold is worth 30 billion 82 crore 22 lakh 91 thousand 272 rupees. Although a large amount of gold has been smuggled, the police say that the investigation is on as to where the gold is.

It has come to light that two payment gateways of Nepal are also involved in the illegal gold payment process. According to CIB chief Gyawali, illegal gold was paid through agents by saving in the accounts of Paywell Nepal Private Limited and Easy Payment Service Private Limited. Since the establishment of

, there has been a transaction of 1 trillion 23 billion through this gateway, and it has been seen that 96 billion has been transacted by depositing vouchers. 8 people including the board of directors, employees and agents involved in the case have been arrested.

The CIB filed a charge sheet against 29 people on 31 August 2080, saying that the quantity of gold that was brought secretly in Breksoo was 362 kg and 778 grams. 3 billion 50 crore 2 lakh 16 thousand 552 rupees were demanded from them. Out of those arrested by the CIB, 24 accused have been remanded in custody. Against them Police said that the Customs Act, 2064, Prevention of Organized Crime Act, 2070, Criminal Code, 2070, Citizenship Act, 2020, Passport Act, 2024 and Nepal Rashtra Bank Act, 2058 will be attracted.

2 trillion 66 billion 67 billion 9 lakh 9 thousand 308 rupees have been demanded from 12 people directly involved in illegal gold trading. 30 billion 84 billion 12 lakh 26 thousand 440.90 rupees towards Customs Act (illegal gold), 1 trillion 49 billion 68 lakh 28 million 7 thousand 886 rupees towards cryptocurrency, 86 billion 14 crore 68 lakh 74 thousand 982.76 rupees towards Nepal Rashtra Bank Act There is a huge demand. Similarly, Paywell Nepal Pvt. Ltd. 61 billion 500 million 27 lakh 9 thousand 233, 19 billion 46 million 25 lakh 73 785 towards Easy Payment Services Pvt. is

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १३:२३
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