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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Prioritizing Political Coverage in Nepali Media: Study Report


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A study report published on Wednesday showed that the Nepali media mainly gives priority coverage to political issues.

Prioritizing Political Coverage in Nepali Media: Study Report

The report mentions that issues like climate change, development and marginalized communities have received less attention than politics.

The 'Vibrant Information Barometer' study report also found that the media sector is facing major economic disruption as revenues have fallen by more than half in recent years . The

report was jointly released by National Information Commission Chief Commissioner Mahendraman Gurung and Megan Nalbo, representative of The Asia Foundation.

A study conducted among editors, journalists, members of civil society, journalists, academics and activists from Madhes and Lumbini provinces including Kathmandu has said that newsrooms are less inclusive in Nepali media. The

report shows that Nepal's information ecosystem is somewhat vibrant. mentioned because it scored 23 out of 40 . It is the average score based on the marking done by the respondents .

with 20 indicators and 167 sub-indicators - information quality, channels, consumption and engagement, and transformative action According to the report, Lumbini province has scored 24 points indicating a slightly more dynamic information landscape than the national average, while Madhes province has scored 22 points. Pokharel, Lekhnath Pandey and Bhanubhakta Acharya were .

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १९:००
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