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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The benefits of democracy should be linked to the lives of all castes and communities: Prime Minister


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has said that with the development of modern society, the benefits of democracy should be linked to the lifestyle of all castes and communities.

The benefits of democracy should be linked to the lives of all castes and communities: Prime Minister

Addressing the meeting of the National Foundation for Tribal Upliftment on Saturday, Prime Minister Dahal stressed on the need to ensure the rights of the indigenous tribes by keeping alive the traditions of the indigenous tribes. "Indigenous tribes are an important basis of identity and traditional customs, considering ancestral land as a symbol of faith, indigenous tribes are not only using natural resources, but also protecting and promoting nature based on their original, traditional knowledge and skills," said the Prime Minister. The damage to their ancestral land and natural resources, collective rights should be prevented.'

Mentioning that the constitution provides various rights to the tribals including the right to equality and social justice, the Prime Minister said that under the policy of social justice and inclusion, the constitution has ensured the right to live with dignity with the identity of the tribals.

'By the constitution, priority has been given to tribal tribes in terms of opportunities and benefits,' Prime Minister Dahal said, 'There is a provision that political parties must also represent tribal tribes based on their population when nominating candidates for the House of Representatives elections held according to the proportional election system.'

The Prime Minister said that it is necessary to protect and develop an open and lively museum and a model cultural heritage targeted at the indigenous tribes with the preservation of the mother tongue in order to identify, protect and promote the cultural heritage of the tribal community. "In order to preserve the language, culture, and tradition of the tribal community, it is necessary to run a tribal university at the national level," said the Prime Minister, "to build up the cultural heritage, it is necessary to teach in the mother tongue from the primary level."

Mentioning that the National Foundation for Upliftment of Tribal Tribes has been encouraging caste, language, religion, culture, literature and social development, the Prime Minister said that the identity of tribal tribes has been institutionalized for the first time in Nepal after the establishment of federalism and republic.

प्रकाशित : असार ९, २०८१ ११:४४
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