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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Ruling of the National Assembly Speaker Dahal to the Home Minister to answer about the rape of a girl in Chowgoth


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National Assembly Speaker Narayan Prasad Dahal has ruled the Ministry of Home Affairs to answer the questions raised by the parliamentarians about the rape of a teenage girl in a slum in Panchadeval Municipality 2 of Achham.

Ruling of the National Assembly Speaker Dahal to the Home Minister to answer about the rape of a girl in Chowgoth

Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane has been ruled to answer the questions raised by the MPs in the National Assembly meeting on Sunday.

He expressed his displeasure saying that he always sent letters to the minister to answer the questions raised by the parliamentarians in emergency and zero time, but he did not show interest.

President Dahal also said that although the agenda of the ministers has been prepared to answer the questions raised by the parliamentarians, it has not been implemented effectively. We have always sent those matters to the concerned minister during emergency time, zero time, when honorable members raise issues. We have sent every day . We have already given the agenda of the ministers to answer about the issues raised here,' President Dahal said, 'We have drawn attention to all these issues by ruling in a serious manner . I draw the attention of the Home Minister to come and answer about the issues that have been raised today. I give instructions to send a letter to the secretariat.'

In the meeting on Sunday, the parliamentarians raised the incident of being raped while sitting in the camp. On 3rd of June, a girl was raped in Panchdeval Vinayak Municipality-2 of Achham. A 16-year-old girl who was studying at her maternal uncle's house was raped by her maternal uncle on Monday midnight. The police have arrested the accused 17-year-old juvenile. The girl was raped by a relative of her uncle when she went out to urinate at 2 o'clock in the night. After the rape, the girl was unconscious and taken to the hospital. After he came to his senses, it was revealed that he had been raped.

प्रकाशित : असार ९, २०८१ १६:३८
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