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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Sushil Paykurel refused the ambassador post


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Sushil Pyakurel, the proposed ambassador to South Korea by the Council of Ministers, has rejected the post. He has sent a letter to Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal and requested him to withdraw the recommendation. He has submitted the letter of withdrawal of recommendation to the Prime Minister's Office.

Sushil Paykurel refused the ambassador post

He said that he was not consulted before being recommended as an ambassador and that the standards set by the government in the past were not taken into account.

'I am surprised by the government's practice of not discussing the relevant person's background, efficiency, interest, knowledge of the political, economic and social situation of the relevant country before assigning the responsibility of representing the country like an ambassador . In this context, I see the need for a serious discussion about the standards set by the government in the past regarding the appointment of ambassadors and the justification of parliamentary hearings and the tenure of the ambassadors' In a statement issued by Pacurel, there is.

The meeting of the Council of Ministers on Friday recommended 8 people including Pakurel as ambassadors.

Pakurail's release

Press release

My opinion regarding the appointment of ambassador

According to the decision of the Council of Ministers dated June 7, 2081, I received information from the news media that I was recommended to be appointed as the ambassador of the Republic of Korea (South Korea). Expressing my gratitude for the government's desire to appoint me as a formal representative of the country, I express my gratitude for the trust placed in me by the current government. I have taken this decision of the government as a result of the campaign of the non-governmental organizations, the performance of the responsibilities entrusted by the previous government with confidence . But in addition to this, I am issuing this press release as I see the need to publicize my views on this matter.

I have faced various ups and downs while being active in the field of social justice and human rights for more than five decades. In this context, I recall the occasion when I was appointed as one of the founding commissioners of the National Human Rights Commission in the country and was able to discharge my duties even when the human rights situation was very difficult. After the country entered the stage of federal democratic republic, I have been working as a political and human rights expert advisor to the second president, Mrs. Bidya Devi Bhandari, and before and after that, I have always been active in the field of human rights and social justice. It is against this background that I must clearly state that I was not even contacted or hinted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the Council of Ministers Secretariat before recommending me for the post of ambassador to South Korea. I am surprised by the government's practice of not discussing the relevant person's background, efficiency, interests, knowledge of the political, economic, and social status of the respective country before assigning the responsibility of representing the country like an ambassador. In this context, I see the need for a serious discussion about the standards set by the government in the past regarding the appointment of ambassadors and the justification of parliamentary hearings and the tenure of ambassadors.

Therefore: Addressing the Prime Minister today, I have duly registered the letter written in the Prime Minister's Office with a humble request to withdraw the recommendation for the post of ambassador to South Korea, thanking the government for the trust shown in me. In the meantime, I would like to express my thanks to everyone who congratulated me and expressed their goodwill towards me.

Sushil Pakurel

प्रकाशित : असार ९, २०८१ १५:४१
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