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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Corruption case filed against 12 including Chief Secretary Aryal

38 crore 67 lakh 17 thousand 640 rupees

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The Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority has filed a corruption case in a special court against 11 people and one company, including Chief Secretary Vaikunth Aryal. A corruption case has been filed against officials including Chief Secretary Aryal by the Authority for corruption in excise sticker printing.

Corruption case filed against 12 including Chief Secretary Aryal

There is a corruption case against the current chief secretary of this Nepal The first event is . Chief Secretary Aryal He is also involved in the purchase of Teramax technology of Nepal Telecom. The authority has continued to investigate this too. In the

sticker case, Chief Secretary Aryal along with Joint Secretary Ritesh Shakya and Tank Pandey, Deputy Secretary Ganesh Vikram Shahi and Branch Officer Ravindra Paudel have also been made defendants by the authority.

A case has been filed against Vikal Paudel, the then executive director of Surakshan Printing Center, who was already convicted in a corruption case and under consideration in some cases, Bishnu Prasad Gautam, the then accounting officer of Surakshan Printing Center, Harivallabh Ghimire, the then consultant of the center, Shakti Prasad Shrestha. Printcell, the company responsible for printing the stickers, and its owner Keshav Sharma have also been made defendants. It is mentioned in the demand of the authority that the accused 11 people and the defendant company Printcell should recover the fine according to the amount fixed.

Similarly, 68.4 million 45 thousand 600 rupees paid for sticker printing It is in the indictment that the defendants should be charged publicly.

The Security Printing Center under the Ministry of Communications called for a tender to print excise duty stickers for the Internal Revenue Department on October 4, 2079. Printcell Pvt. An agreement was signed between Printcell and the Center to print 4332 million excise duty stickers at the rate of 89 paisa each.

According to that, the cost of printing the agreed stickers comes to 385 million 48 thousand rupees. While before that, a similar sticker cost a maximum of 25 paise. If calculated at 25 paisa each, it seems that the cost of those stickers will be only 108.3 million. But the contract has been maintained at a cost of 4 times more than that.

Printsell was contracted to purchase only sticker paper and ink. The contract was awarded to Printcell at an 'unreasonable price' in which the rest of the printing work would be done from the centre. 5 crore was given as advance payment. At that time, the current Chief Secretary Aryal and the Center's Executive Director Vikal Paudel were the Communications Secretary. It is arranged that the Chairman of the Protection Printing Development Committee will be the Communication Secretary.

Aryal and Paudel along with the decision of the officials, the contract for the purchase of stickers was imposed. Aryal was the Communications Secretary from July 25, 2078 to March 14, 2079. Aryal, who was transferred to the Prime Minister's Office from Communications, became the Chief Secretary on May 32, three days before his retirement.

प्रकाशित : असार ९, २०८१ १६:१८
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