कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९८

'Untouchable discrimination so far, how long will people be killed?'


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Revolt Against Caste Day was celebrated on Thursday to commemorate the day when 6 youths including Navraj Vika were killed in Chaurjahari Municipality-8 Soti of Rukum West due to inter-caste love relationship. Regarding the day, protests, rallies and awareness programs have been held in various districts of the country including Kathmandu.

'Untouchable discrimination so far, how long will people be killed?'

A protest and photo exhibition has been held in Kathmandu under the leadership of Caste System Abolition Front. Dalit community youth, rights activists and human rights activists protested at Maitighar demanding an end to the discriminatory caste system. They said 'people cannot be killed, caste system is not needed', 'untouchable discrimination so far, how long will people be killed?' and various playing cards were displayed.

Darshan Kumar Nepali, coordinator of the Integrated Dalit Mukti Morcha Nepal, said that the supporters of social justice will never forget that incident on May 10. "The Rukum murder scandal caused by the caste system is the biggest stigma in history for the human community. This is an event that can never be forgotten,' he said, 'We have started celebrating this day as the day of rebellion against the caste system.'

In the process, a photo exhibition reflecting the events caused by the caste system was also held. It has been four years since the incident in which 6 youths died due to caste discrimination in Chaurjahari Municipality-8, Soti area of ​​Rukum West. On 10th June 2077, 21-year-old Navraj Vick and his friends, who drove away his girlfriend to get married in Soti village, were beaten up and killed by the villagers and taken to Bheri. His girlfriend's relatives and villagers beat up and killed Navraj and his friends as they were about to marry an alleged upper caste girl.

In the incident, six youth including four Dalits and two non-Dalits were killed, while 11 of Navraj's friends were injured. In that murder, a case was filed against 34 people for mass murder, racial untouchability and discrimination. The District Court Rukum West had sentenced 24 of them to life imprisonment on December 5, 2080 and acquitted eight of them.

The court sentenced Vic's girlfriend and her mother to two years in prison and a fine of Rs 50,000 for the offense of racial untouchability. Navraj Vick of Bheri Municipality-4 of Jajarkot along with his friends Ganesh Budha, Lokendra Sunar, Sanjeev Vick, Gobind Shahi and Tikaram Nepali of Chaurjahari Municipality of Rukum West lost their lives in the incident. The body started to be found in the Bheri river the next day after the incident which took place on May 10 around 5 pm.

The inquiry committee led by the joint secretary formed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, the investigation team sent from the center by the National Human Rights Commission and the local police administration investigated the incident. The National Human Rights Commission in its investigation concluded that caste discrimination and untouchability were the main reasons behind the incident.

Various social organizations, human rights workers and journalists also concluded that the incident was due to caste discrimination after observing the incident on the spot.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ २०:००
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