The budget will be arranged to meet the needs of the Federal Parliament Secretariat: Minister of Finance Pun


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Finance Minister Barshman Pun has said that he will give priority to the Federal Parliament Secretariat in the budget of the next financial year.

The budget will be arranged to meet the needs of the Federal Parliament Secretariat: Minister of Finance Pun

He expressed this commitment during the budget discussion organized by Speaker of the House of Representatives Devraj Ghimire, Speaker of the National Assembly Narayan Prasad Dahal and others at Singh Darbar on Wednesday. In the meeting, Speaker Ghimire emphasized that the government should pay special attention to the budget of the next fiscal year to make the functioning of the Federal Parliament Secretariat effective.

Finance Minister Pun has expressed his commitment to come up with the budget for the next fiscal year with priority in order to address the needs of the Federal Parliament Secretariat. On that occasion, the officials of the Federal Parliament Secretariat mentioned that even the vehicles were not working and requested the finance minister to arrange the budget for the purchase of new vehicles in the next year's budget.

Chairman Khan said that the parliamentarians and employees of the parliamentary committee have drawn the attention of the finance minister to organize the budget so that the work of the federal parliament secretariat can be effective. In the

discussion, Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives Indira Ranamgar, Finance Secretary Madhukumar Marasini and others were present.

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