२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७३

'It became a culture of advocating freedom while in the opposition and cutting the throat of the media when it came to power'

'Isn't the arrest of Kailash Sirohia, chairman of Kantipur Media Group, used as a weapon to intimidate the independent media?'

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A group of journalism teachers have said that Kailash Sirohia, president of Kantipur Media Group, has been arrested to suppress the independent media. Journalism teachers affiliated to the Media Educators Society came to the office of Kantipur Dainik and expressed their solidarity against the arrest of President Sirohia on Wednesday.

'It became a culture of advocating freedom while in the opposition and cutting the throat of the media when it came to power'

In democratic countries, it is the state policy to promote independent media. However, we are concerned that there is a culture of advocating for freedom in Nepal while being in the opposition and strangling the media when they come to power.

According to the professors who teach journalism, attention has been drawn to the increasing tendency of the political leadership and the government to attack and criticize the journalism world. Journalism teachers Badri Paudel, Dr. Kundan Aryal, Dr. Sriram Paudel, Dr. Jagat Nepal, Rishikesh Dahal, Lekhnath Pandey and Lokendra KC expressed their solidarity against the arrest of Kantipur president Kailash Sirohia. The teachers also say that the state apparatus is trying to hide its weaknesses by promoting


The teachers say that the arrest of President Sirohia cannot be considered natural when the news of co-operative fraud is being published in Kantipur. It is the state's jurisdiction to investigate and proceed with the legal process on Sirohia's citizenship with sufficient legal basis. However, the arrest of Sirohia cannot be considered natural when news about cooperative fraud is being published in Kantipur. We are aware that freedom of the press and the right to criticize independent journalism should not be undermined under any pretext,' they say, 'We want Kantipur not to deviate from its editorial religion and impartial role due to Sirohia's arrest.'

The teachers have urged the government and all political parties to stick to democratic values ​​and to consider the fact that democracy cannot succeed if the role of independent media is weakened.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १७:१९
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