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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ८५

Government's intention to control the media and terrorize journalists: Congress

'Until now, we were only demanding a parliamentary inquiry against the Home Minister. But now Ravi Lamichhane is not the only subject, this coalition government is attacking democracy and the constitution. The government has shown insolence in weakening the constitution, in such a situation, the Congress cannot sit idly by.'

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The main opposition party, the Nepali Congress, has strongly condemned the government's intention to control the media and terrorize journalists. The joint meeting of the Central Working Committee and the Parliamentary Party held on Wednesday deeply reviewed the recent steps of the government and condemned the actions that undermine the constitution, democracy and democratic values.

Government's intention to control the media and terrorize journalists: Congress

After the meeting, Congress spokesperson Prakasharan Mahat said that the government is daring to do things that weaken the current constitution and system.

He accused the government of deceiving the people, protecting criminals, attacking the constitution, democracy and democratic values ​​and moving towards autocracy. The meeting brought together It has demanded justice for the co-operative victims, and it has demanded that those involved in the fraud be arrested and prosecuted with a parliamentary inquiry against the Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane, who is accused in the co-operative fraud case.

Spokesperson Mahat said that the government is trying to control the media, keep journalists in fear and attack the freedom of the press. "Yesterday, the way the home administration was presented against the president of Kantipur Media Group, Kailash Sirohia. We believe that is vindictive. Recently, we object to Kantipur's chairman Sirohia being arrested in a vindictive manner based on the fact that Kantipur has continuously presented the matter of the Home Minister himself committing co-operative fraud. It is seen that the government intends to control the media and keep them in fear,' he said.

According to him, the Congress has decided to protest against the undemocratic steps and attitude of the government in Kathmandu on June 13th at 2 pm on the exhibition road.

'The accused of fraud have run the home administration, and the power coalition has done the job of protecting them . Fairness has not been maintained by the Speaker. Even in the matter of taking a vote of confidence in the government, an unprecedented action has been taken in the Parliament,' he said. But now Ravi Lamichhane is not the only subject, this coalition government is attacking democracy and the constitution. The government has shown insolence in weakening the constitution, in such a situation, the Congress will not sit idly by. We will inform the people about this matter at the local level.'

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १९:३६
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