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Demonstration at Maitighar demanding to ensure press freedom


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Journalists staged a protest at Maitighar, saying that armed police with bards entered the office of Kantipur Media Group and harassed the media persons.

Demonstration at Maitighar demanding to ensure press freedom

Journalists protested with play-cards on the call of Nepal Press Union Valley Province on Wednesday afternoon.

On Tuesday, a large number of armed policemen with weapons entered the group's office in Thapathali and in the name of arresting the President Sirohia, terrorizing the media workers, creating terror in the media houses and controlling the independent press, they regretted the vindictive behavior of the government. . During the

demonstration, Senior Vice President of Federation of Nepalese Journalists, Ramesh Bisht, protested that the government has done the act of retaliating against the journalists. He said that they will not remain silent if the government does not ensure the right to press freedom provided by the constitution. Speaking during the

demonstration, Nakul Aryal, vice president of Nepal Press Union, said that the power of power cannot bring down the morale of the media sector.

Vice President Aryal said that the president of Kantipur Media Group, Sirohia, was arrested in a vindictive manner and accused the Home Minister, who used to carry a pen in the past, of carrying a gun against the pen now. It's not about Kailash Sirohia, it's not just about Kantipur, it's about destiny. In order to hide their weaknesses, the government has started deliberately attacking the Nepali media. The journalist's pen never bends with the gun of power, he said.

He reminded that the Press Union protested even when Ravi Lamichhane was arrested in a serious case of inciting suicide when he was still a journalist and warned Home Minister Ravi not to carry a gun against the pen.

At that time, the journalists demonstrated with play-cards with slogans such as 'Stop harassing the media, respect the freedom of the press provided by the constitution'.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १८:००
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