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Revenge on the Press: Dahal's Dual Character

गंगा बीसी

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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal is such a leader, who does not have to wait for any fence to turn left or right. Having changed three equations in the last one and a half years, he takes 'Left Right' steps keeping power and power at the center. Critics accuse him of being a leader with a double character.

Revenge on the Press: Dahal's Dual Character

He also showed double character regarding the arrest of Kantipur Media Group Chairman Kailash Sirohia.

On Tuesday, his secretariat informed Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane that he had 'suggested' not to 'arrest' President Sirohia. But when Lamichhane did not accept his suggestion, he did not stop the arrest of Sirohia, instead he agreed.

'The Prime Minister only asked Sirohia to inquire about the citizenship issue, but the Home Minister did not agree', the secretariat source claims, 'since the process has already progressed, it cannot be stopped now . Lamichhane said that Sirohia should be arrested and investigated.'

Dahal himself cut the statement of the Secretariat. 31 of mainstream media After understanding the joint letter of the editors, Prime Minister Dahal said on Wednesday that after the arrest warrant was issued by the court, he gave permission to arrest Sirohia. I am sensitive to your demands. After the arrest warrant came from the court, I gave my approval' said Dahal.

Sirohia's arrest is being criticized everywhere. Amidst the criticism, Dahal said that after the court's order, he agreed to the arrest.

The National Independent Party is indispensable to sustain the power equation . That's why Dahal became innocent in front of the Home Minister "to protect the government at all cost". The state power has been taking a crooked look at Kantipur, which has always been playing a strong role in favor of the country's welfare and republic.

Prime Minister Dahal said publicly on Wednesday that Sirohia was arrested through the court process and that he is "over the water". Search . Home Minister Lamichhane showed a double character in arresting Sirohia, president of Kantipur, to take revenge on the basis of the news writer about the misappropriation of cooperative funds by misusing state power. "I understood the court process after the court said to proceed with the process". I don't think it is necessary to make more noise," he told reporters after a program on Wednesday. In response to the journalist's question, Prime Minister Dahal said, 'That is a wrong thing . What's wrong with him? '

Does it mean that the home minister took revenge personally?', Dahal said, 'It is only what that person says'. After the court decided, he said, "He is innocent by the court process". Easy to get rid of. This will be the solution.'

Before he said that he had arranged the court process and arrested him, his secretariat had told the home minister not to arrest Sirohia. Before arresting Sirohia, Prime Minister Dahal and UML President KP Sharma Oli were unaware were not . Dahal and Oli seem to support arresting the chairman of a prestigious media house without questioning him on the basis of a citizenship-related complaint. Therefore, the main leaders of the ruling party, Oli and Dahal, have supported Lamichhane's move. For them, apart from the government, other victims of the government, fearless press are secondary.

The ruling party, opposition parties, media houses, editors, organizations related to the press, civil society, ex-judges, lawyers, human rights activists, etc. have been arrested to take revenge based on writing the news that Home Minister Lamichhane was involved in co-operative embezzlement.

His power-centered attitude is behind his lack of interest in investigating the deputy prime minister and home minister of his own cabinet even after it has been publicly confirmed that he was involved in the co-operative fraud case. Leaders of the ruling party and Prime Minister Dahal have also had a hand in holding the parliament hostage by insisting on setting up a parliamentary inquiry committee on the embezzlement of crores of funds in the government. If he and UML President Oli want, an inquiry committee can be formed immediately on Home Minister Lamichhane, who is involved in misappropriation of cooperative funds.

Not only is the deadlock in the parliament due to the fear of breaking the equation if a committee is formed to investigate after Lamichhana, there is also confusion about bringing the budget from the parliament after the next 6 days . Amidst the stand of the Congress that the Parliament will not be allowed to function until a committee is formed to investigate Lamichhane, the government has started preparations to end the Parliament session and bring the budget through an ordinance. In the next 6 days, the government's policy and program presented in the parliament has to be passed.

Daha, who is preparing to pass the policy and program by asking the main opposition Congress, is not in favor of splitting Lamichhane under any circumstances. Due to the pressure of UML President Oli and Home Minister Lamichhane, Dahal is ready to bring the budget through the ordinance, but he is not ready to form an inquiry committee on Lamichhane, who was involved in the fraud in the cooperative.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ १९:५०
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