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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Congress is flexible on the Prime Minister's centrist proposal to form a parliamentary inquiry committee


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The Congress has become positive towards the moderate proposal made by Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal to break the deadlock in Parliament. Prime Minister Dahal discussed the proposal made by Congress leaders on Sunday in the functionary meeting held this morning.

Congress is flexible on the Prime Minister's centrist proposal to form a parliamentary inquiry committee

As the Prime Minister said, if a parliamentary committee is formed to investigate all the problematic cooperatives and all the "thugs" involved in embezzling the savings of the cooperatives, the Congress has indicated that it will accept it .

Prime Minister Dahal put forward a middle-of-the-road proposal to form a parliamentary committee to investigate not only the Deputy Prime Minister and the Home Minister, but all the problematic cooperatives and all those involved in the misappropriation of cooperative savings.

Congress had been demanding that a parliamentary committee should be formed to investigate him and all the problematic cooperatives as the evidence that Home Minister Lamichhane was involved in the misappropriation of the cooperative's savings had been made public. Especially since the main target of the Congress was centered on Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Lamichhane, the ruling party had been rejecting it . Although both the government and the main opposition are under pressure for the exit of

, Prime Minister Dahal said that the government's policy and program They have put forward the card of the moderate agreement to open the exit of the parliament before the time of presentation. President Ramchandra Paudel is scheduled to read out the budget policies and programs at the joint meeting of the Federal Parliament on Tuesday.

Dahal is preparing to discuss it with UML President KP Oli on Monday and after that sit down with Congress leaders and make an agreement.

Chief Whip of the Congress Parliamentary Party, Ramesh Akhtar said that although he is positive about forming the Prime Minister's Committee, he has doubts about the role of other ruling parties .

'There has been embezzlement and fraud of the money of the poor Nepali people from the cooperative. Our basic demand is that those who embezzle the savings of cooperatives should be punished. Raviji is also included in that," said the writer, "It is not only against Ravika. It's a matter against fraud across the country . If any party or leader comes forward to save the fraud of the cooperatives, the Congress is ready to fight the battle firmly. He said that the problem of the cooperatives is all over the country.

'Committee is our minimum demand . Our movement is against fraudsters across the country. Some parties are trying to come forward to save those who embezzle the savings of cooperatives. The protest against that will not stop, he said, "There is a conversation going on now about forming a parliamentary committee." The Prime Minister is positive about it.'

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ३१, २०८१ १४:०२
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