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Former Vice President's son Dipesh arrested again


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Dipesh Pun, the son of former Vice President Nanda Bahadur Pun, who was involved in cooperative fraud and gold smuggling cases, has been arrested.

Former Vice President's son Dipesh arrested again

According to Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane, the police recently arrested him from Dhapasi.

Despite Dipesh Pun's involvement with the Chinese gold smuggler, he was out of the police investigation . CIB released Dipesh in the 61 kg gold smuggling case after giving a general inquiry document. Last time, after the evidence came out that Dipesh's brother Jitendra and Babu Nanda Bahadur Pun's foreign affairs expert Jeevan Kumar Gurung, who was also the Vice President at the time, were involved in smuggling, the pressure to investigate him increased.

Former Vice President Pun's son Dipesh was also acquitted in cooperative fraud. Dipesh is also involved in the embezzlement case of 10,000 savers of Butwal. He embezzled the savings of Supreme Cooperative.

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