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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The National Conference on Cardamom's Present, Status, Opportunities and Challenges was concluded


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For the public and private sector stakeholders involved in the agricultural sector, especially cardamom, the 'National Conference on Present, Condition, Opportunities and Challenges of Cardamom' has ended. Directed by the Federation of Nepal Cardamom Traders and Swiss Development Cooperation, the conference organized by Swiss Contact and Environment and Agricultural Policy Research, Dissemination and Development Center (CIPRED) discussed the possibilities of development and expansion of the cardamom sector, policy making issues related to it, and contributing to the diversification of trade.

The National Conference on Cardamom's Present, Status, Opportunities and Challenges was concluded

In recent years, Nepal Cardamom Traders Federation and Nepal Agricultural Market Development Program have been doing various latest activities with the aim of increasing the consumption of cardamom in Nepal through technology development, quality assurance and market promotion. These initiatives have positively impacted the existing cardamom sector and created opportunities for the relevant stakeholders of the cardamom sector. Taking this collaboration further, it aims to bring together experts, researchers, policy makers and stakeholders related to the cardamom sector through a national conference to discuss the important aspects of cardamom cultivation, trade and its sustainability.

Nepal exports 98 percent of its total production while only 2 percent is consumed domestically. Most of the production of cardamom in Nepal is from the eastern region, while it is gradually expanding towards the western region of Nepal. About 67 thousand families are involved in cardamom cultivation in Nepal. At present, although cardamom cultivation has spread in more than 42 districts, it is found that 78 percent of the total national production comes from Taplejung, Panchthar, Ilam and Sankhuwasabha in four districts of Koshi province.

This conference was organized as a forum to discuss the current situation, learnings and latest practices in the production, processing and commercialization of cardamom, which is an important cash crop.

For factual information on the current status of the cardamom sector: current status of cultivation and production, challenges faced by cardamom producers, regional differences in production, impact of climate change, pest management, production and productivity growth, market conditions, price fluctuations, prices Enhancement, expansion of cardamom's international market reach, diversification of cardamom-related goods and services, country-specific strategies, policies and regulatory structures and policy to encourage farmers, traders and exporters of cardamom sector were discussed.

प्रकाशित : असार ११, २०८१ २१:५१
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