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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: २२७

Worldlink Internet in 9 lakh households


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The number of households with internet connection of Worldlink Communications, an internet service provider, has reached nine lakh. In the last nine months, the company has added 1 lakh customers to 9 lakh.

Worldlink Internet in 9 lakh households

074 June 100,000 customers Internet connection was successfully provided . By June 2017, the company's customers had exceeded two lakh, and in January, the company had managed to connect three lakh customers to its network. With the expansion of services, while providing services to customers, Worldlink reached eight lakh customers in 080 August. Keshav Nepal, the CEO of the company, said that we are committed to further expand our services and capabilities to provide more effective and quality services to

customers. The company has been providing services at concessional rates according to the needs of customers in various packages for households, small and medium businesses and corporates. 29 years ago, the journey of Worldlink started with a computer and an email server brought from America by the founder of the company, Dilip Agarwal.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १२, २०८१ ०९:५९
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