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Australia announces tougher rules on student visas

Foreign nationals who are on a temporary graduate visa (TR) after completing their studies will not be able to apply for a student visa again.
Before this, there was a widespread practice of people coming to Australia from countries including Nepal on a tourist visa and after coming here, changing the visa to a student visa and staying here.
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Australia, which has been imposing strict rules on international student visas since Covid, has said that it will be stricter from Wednesday. Australia's Home Minister Claire O'Neill has announced a rule that from next month, no one who is on a tourist visa and who is in TR here will be able to apply for a student visa.

Australia announces tougher rules on student visas

Foreign nationals coming to Australia as tourists on a tourist visa and foreign nationals on a temporary graduate visa (TR) obtained after completing their studies here will not be able to apply for a student visa again.

Before this, there was a widespread practice of coming to Australia from countries including Nepal on a tourist visa and after coming here, changing the visa to a student visa and staying here. Also, the number of people who applied for a student visa again after the period of the graduate visa available after completing certain studies and staying here was also extensive .

But Minister O'Neill announced more rules today and said that since these two visas are in the category (subclass 600 and 485), they cannot apply for student visas from Australia. They will be able to return to their own country and apply for a student visa.

Even before this, Australia had changed many rules after Covid to reduce the number of foreign students here. See

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The number of students coming for higher education in Australia has increased rapidly after the Corona epidemic. According to the official data here, more than 740,000 foreign students are currently on visas. There is an official data of the Australian government that the number of Nepalis among the foreign students studying here is 55 thousand 300. Which is 8% of the total number of international students in Australia . According to official data, the number of Nepali students is still third after China and India. Although Australia has introduced various programs to encourage foreign students to go to remote areas, most of the students are still living in urban areas. According to statistics, more than 35 thousand Nepali students are living in Sydney.

With the increase in the number of students, the housing problem along with employment in Australia has seriously increased. Experts in the field of immigration have analyzed the new rules introduced by the Australian government to address these problems.

New students coming to Australia are not only having trouble finding room rent and jobs, but the right to work only 24 hours a week is making it difficult to pay college fees and even survive.

Minister Onil through a statement has stated that the number of people who went from tourist visa to student visa during the last 10 months is 36 thousand . In her statement, she has also published the data that 32 percent of students who are on Graduate Visa (TR) come back on Student Visa.

Australia has already increased the 'no further stay' in the visa to discourage the practice of students coming to the tourist visa and changing it as a student. But within a few months of the announcement of the said rule, Minister O'Neill announced the rule that no changes can be made to the student visa. The announcement of this new rule will directly affect thousands of Nepali students, according to businessmen working in this field.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ३०, २०८१ १७:४१
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