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New leadership in Nepali Federation Mumbai


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Yuvraj Neupane has been elected as the new president of the United Nepali Federation Mumbai. The organization is one of the oldest in Mumbai run by Nepalis in various professions.

New leadership in Nepali Federation Mumbai

Ravi Bhattarai and Sita Kafle are vice presidents of the new working committee elected for a two-year term.

Similarly, Bishnu Kafle as the General Secretary, Bhimraj Gayre as the Co-General Secretary, Chandra Singh has been elected as Organization Secretary, Prem Baik as Finance Secretary and Raj Rawal as Treasurer.

Mekha Chauhan and Baijanti Rawal have come to the Department of Education and Culture respectively. The Federation has been doing social and cultural programs in Mumbai. Bharat Rawal, the former president of the federation, informed that the working committee was elected unopposed.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २४, २०८० १६:२२
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